Missing Classmates


Where are they? 




We have little or no information in our database for most the classmates listed below.  Some of these classmates we have found, yet they have not joined our website.

If you know how to contact anyone on this list, please call them, invite them to join this website.  Or click on their name to invite them to join our site and get signed up for our 50th reunion!

You can contact us with their information.  Send us any contact information you have ... e-address, phone number, last known home address.

IF YOU ARE ON THIS LIST, click on your name and create a profile --- it's FREE!



Arthur Allen
John Anderson
Mario Andrade
Melody Ary (Wallace)
Kerry James Avery
Eric Bach
Marieline Bance (Fouche)
Carol Barker
John Basile
Marc Becker
Jay Bedford
Randy Beers
Jeffrey Lee Benton
Michael Billeci
Vicky Boswell
Betty Bradshaw (Veronico)
Debbie Brophy
John Brad Bullock (Fka Bulcock)
Victor Bullock
Paul Bunyard
Robin Burgess
Robert Burns
Ramon Bustos
Ignacio Caballero
Kathleen Caldwell (DeLago)
Rosemary Calvillo
Randy Cargill
Gina Carini
Marie Carman
Barry Cassidy
Brien Cassidy
Charles Catania
Mary Beth Centis
Donald Chandler
Kevin H. Cheek
Kitty Chiu (Blonsky)
Bang Joo Choi
Kevin C. Clancy
Joey Cline
Richard Connolly
Jesse Contreras
Cynthia Corcoran (Douglas)
Mary Cortez
Janet Cronin (Greene)
Leslie Cross
Denise Culpepper
Nadine Cyr
Robert Czapkay
Alison Dahl
Michael R. Damant
Nancy Damon
Richard Darnell
Kimberley Davidson
Tom Del Sarto
Kathleen Dempsey (Cupp)
Erik Denatale
Jan Denser (Evers)
Laurie DeSio
Patrick Dickinson
Catherine DiVita
Patricia Dobson
Sherrie Doupnik
Sherri Duncan
Virginia Ann Dupree
Clarence Edwards
Sallie Efsaif (Morell)
Felipe Escobedo
Petro Estakhri
James Fair
James Fasano
Linda Feig
Jim Ferguson
Rick Ferlito
Monica Fialla (Price)
Jo Ann Finley (Wong)
Tom Flaherty
Jacqueline R. Fontes
Anthony M. Fraumeni
Ann Freeman
Jose Frias
Juan Garcia
Leticia Garciasalas
Delene Gaskin (Ioimo)
Laura Gertz (Marchi)
Paddy Gilham (Williams)
James Glover
William Glover
Larry Gorman
Leslie Gorman
Chris Gounalakis
Simon Grace
Vivian Grant
Susan Griffiths
Robert Guida
Michael Haggerty
Michael D. Hanni
Judy Harwood
Patricia Heeren
Wilma N. Heredia
Lester Hicks
Janet Hill
Karen Hirotsu
Andrew Horvath
Carlos Hunter
Meichelle Johnson
Debbie Johnston
Dennis Kain
Eric Karwoski
Daniel Keller
Nancy Kelly
Sharon Kelly
John Kennedy
Kyong Kim
Mark Kirchen
Gerald R. Kohlmann
Dagmar Koleckar
Melinda Kopecky
Thomas Kopecky
Helen Kraft
Gail Kraus
Cheryl M. Kromberg
Todd Kulberg
Debbie LaCasse
Elaine P. Lake
Stephen Lantz
David Larsen
Mona Lea
Paula Leach
DeAndra Lewis (Axlund)
Marilyn Lewis
Soonhi Lim
James Linne
Carmen Lopez
Maria Elia Lopez
Dalau Luani
Annamarie Mack
Cynthia Magyar
Mark Maier
Emilio Maldonado
Janis Marchetti
Audrey Markaris
Orietta Marquez
Richard Martinelli
Chris Martinez
Michael Marvin
Alan Matsuno
Kim McClain (Strickland)
Carol McClure
Thomas McHoes
Sunneva McMills (Gounakalis)
Rhonda McNinch
Richard Meinhold
Stephanie Mellinger (Elmo)
Robert Melton
Curtis Don Montelius
Victoria Mora (Ioimo)
Ricardo Moreno
David Mosekian
Michael Mosekian
Jane Mowell
Michael George Munson
Karen Murilla
Peni Myers
Imelda Nambo
Shary Neil (Clifford)
Charles Noone
Kimberley Dawn Noren (Findley)
Scott Novak
William Nunes
Janice Nylander
Kim O'Brien
Mary Obuchi
Linda Orner (Whealen)
Wendy Oster (Struve)
Trinidad Pacheco
Elizabeth Palomarez
Silvia Pasallo
Sonja Patterson
Gary Pedrick
John Pellizzer
Barbara E. Phillips
David Pickens
Esthela Prado
Jeff Pudlas
Tim S. Quinn
Walter Rehbein
Ilene Reid
Wayne Robertson
Ismo Roikola
Ray Roque
Dave Rossi
Mathew Rovetta
Jane Runnels
Lupe Sanchez
Luis Sandoval
Elvira Sanfelice
Sam Shabatura
Rowena Shaw
Steven D. Sisemore
Debra Slater
Debbie Slayday
Gabriela Smoje (Pashcuan)
Debra Sperandeo
Joseph Starkes
Susan Steiger
Erica Stein
Felice Stein (Repas)
Michael Stent
Patti Stetson (Michelson)
Gary Stevens
Beatrice Stevenson
Scott Sullivan
Steven J. Susoeff
Ellie Syrstad (Trautman)
Barbara J. Tawater
Michele Thomas
Gloria Tingle
Jane Tobin
Deborah Traver
Alice Triano (Troxell)
James Troyer
Jayne Tsumura
Dolores Uriarte
Leonel Valencia
Barbara Valente (Goggiano)
Trudy Varano (Williamson)
Rigoberto Vasquez
Juan Vilorio
Katherine Watkins (Neil)
Kathleen Werner
Deborah Widmer (Olinger)
Kenneth Widmont
Rhonda Wilkerson
Andrew Williams
Elaine Wiltz
Cheung Hong Wing
Randy Wirkus
Norma Wise
Warren Wong
Jane Wyckoff (Cella)
Tami Ann Younkin (Tucker)

Guest Members

Robert Brady (Teacher)
Carmen Caruana (Teacher)
Leslie Glick 76er